Summertime means the use of all types of outdoor gear. Kayaks, camping gear, bicycles, and the list goes on. The garage can become a storage place of havoc. What can we do to organize our outdoor equipment? Here are a few simple tips on how to get organized: 

  • First off, purge your stash. Do you really need five backpacks? Probably not. Sift through everything you have in the way of outdoor gear and sell or donate the nonessentials.
  • Buy the right tools. Without proper storage, it’s hard to keep everything in the right place. Storage bins, hanging organizers, ceiling hooks, a pegboard, and shelving system. All of these are essential to get organized
  • Start low and move high. Store bulky items, like storage bins and all of the stackable things on the floor. 
  • Hang items like bicycles and kayaks at the top of the garare, filling the top with bigger items.
  • Finally work on filling the top shelves with the bigger less used off-season items like ski boots, carry-on bags, etc. Storing items that you don’t need constant access to hire up means you won’t be reaching for a stool every week.
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